


作者 數位資源組 | 發佈日 2024-10-01


 中文期刊全文數據庫:收錄1911年至1949年出版的兩萬餘種期刊,近一千萬篇文獻,內容集中反映這一時期的政治、軍事、外交、經濟、教育、思想文化、宗教等各方面的情況。
 中國近代中西文報紙全文數據庫:《全國報刊索引》精選了其中的大報、官報、小報等特色報紙約600種,製作推出了《中國近代中英文報紙庫》,涵蓋申報、新聞報、時報、民國日  報、時事新報、盛京時報等報,為廣大讀者和研究人員提供了更廣闊的研究視野。

Database trial : 1911~1949 Chinese Periodical Full-text & Chinese and English Newspaper of Modern China Databases
Trial access:until 2024.10.31
Usage limits:Download--100 articles/each series
                              Browse--50 articles/each series

Chinese Periodical Full-text DB (1911~1949)中文期刊全文數據庫
It covers around 10,000,000 pieces of literature in about 20,000 different kinds of periodicals published between 1911 and 1949. As an important part of the historical archive, this database has significant academic and historical values. It not only helps reproduce the unique historical features of the period from 1911 to 1949 and restore the historical memory, but also enriches the digital resources of periodicals so as to facilitate users to conduct academic research on the history of this period.

Chinese and English Newspaper of Modern China中國近代中英文報紙全文數據庫
For decades, CNBKSY of Shanghai Library has been committed to the digitization of modern newspapers and periodicals through continuous resource excavation and collaboration. It has gathered 4,000 Chinese and English newspapers dated 1850- 1951, which have subsequently been included in the Chinese and English Newspaper of Modern China. The Database will contribute to cultural communication and heritage by fully and completely presenting modern Chinese newspapers, and serving readers and researchers alike in an effort to build a center of modern Chinese digital resources.
點閱數 : 150人次