
Circulation Service

You can renew items prior to their due dates. Renewed items are due 30 days after the date of renewal.

You can renew items online, by phone, or by visiting the check in/out counter. To renew items online, log onto the website homeage “login” button.


  • You cannot renew items from the Multimedia Center.
  • You cannot renew overdue items.
  • You cannot renew items that have been requested by other library patrons.
  • You cannot renew items if you have any overdue items or unpaid fines.
  • You can only renew items within one year after the original checkout date. After you have borrowed an item for one year, you must return it to the library; you will be able to borrow the item again if it has not been reserved by other library patrons.
  • You cannot renew items classified as teaching materials.
典閱組 Last updated 2024-03-19 09:06:17
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Circulation Service