
Circulation Service

If an item is checked out, you can request it through wesite homepage login .You will receive an email notification once the item is returned to the library.

You will need to pick up the requested item within five days after it is available (excluding days on which the library is closed). After six days, your request will expire, and the item will either go to the next person who has requested the item or will become available in the library.

If there are three expired requests within 120 days, you will be unable to place other requests for 30 days.

Note: If an item has requests from other library patrons at the time of checkout, the loan period will be shortened from 30 days to 14 days. If a request is placed on the item after you have checked out the item, the loan period will be unaffected.

典閱組 Last updated 2024-03-19 09:05:05
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Circulation Service