Research & Learning

Course Reserves

National Chung Hsing University
Service Rules for Course Reserves

September 16, 2002 Passed by the NCHU Library Division Chiefs Meeting
June 25, 2003 Revisions passed by the 14th NCHU Library Division Chiefs Meeting, Academic Year 2003-2004

Article 1 Rationale
All full-time and part-time faculty members of National Chung Hsing University (hereinafter referred to as NCHU or “the University”) may select books, journals, individual papers, electronic resources, or self-provided materials related to their courses as course reserves for their courses. The NCHU Library (hereinafter referred to as “the Library”) shall establish an Course Reserve section and website to provide students with convenient and effective access to course materials.

Article 2 Scope
1. Assignment of materials: Full-time and part-time NCHU faculty members
2. Viewing of materials: Users of the Library
3. Loaning of materials: Members of the NCHU faculty, staff, and student body

Article 3 Location (where materials shall be placed)
1. Printed materials: Materials assigned by faculty members shall be made available at the Reference Desk of the Library. Furthermore, course reserves may be placed on designated shelves to be made available to NCHU students and faculty members for on site use.
2. Audiovisual materials: the Library’s Multimedia Center
3. Online electronic resources: NCHU Library website →Catalog Search → Course Reserves

Article 4 Service hours
1. Printed resources: same as the Library’s opening hours
2. Electronic resources: available 24/7

Article 5 Assignment rules
1. Scope of course reserves
1) Course reserves are course-related materials assigned as required reading by course instructors.
2) Course reserves are primarily items in the Library’s collection but may also include the personal collections or authored works of faculty members.
3) To assign books that are not in the Library collection, please submit a purchase request to the Library (general materials) or the NCHU departments and institutes (specialized materials) before applying to have them included in your course reserve list.
4) Faculty-provided materials that reproduce the work of others to a degree that is beyond the scope of fair use as stipulated in the Copyright Act shall not be accepted by the Library.
2. Course Reserve application
1) At the end of each semester, course instructors should submit physical or electronic copies of their course reserve lists for the following semester to the Reference Services Division.
2) Fill out the Course Reserve application in accordance with the applicable provisions of these Regulations and the rules for applying for materials from different sources that are stipulated below:
a. For books in the Library’s collection, please fill out this application. Once an application is approved, the Library will move the assigned books from the general bookstacks to the designated shelves.
b. For individual journal papers, in addition to filling out this application, please print out the materials and submit them to the reference desk.
c. If the materials are in your personal collection and not in the Library collection, in addition to filling out this application, please submit the materials to the reference desk.
d. If the materials are owned by an NCHU department or institute, please make sure that they may be moved to the main library’s designated area for course reserves before submitting the application.
e. For electronic materials, please provide the URLs to the materials or submit the materials via a data storage device.

Article 6 Lending rules
1. In principle, lending is limited to on site use. Loaned materials must be returned within two hours, and users may not borrow more than two items at a time. A loan extension may be granted for materials without anyone on the waiting list.
2. Users shall be barred from borrowing the Library’s materials for one month in case of late returns or unreturned materials.
3. Users who lose or damage library materials shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the Library’s Administrative Regulations.

Article 7 Usage information and statistics
Monthly usage information is available for online queries by NCHU students and faculty members. The usage information is compiled each month and sent to course instructors for reference.

Article 8 These Rules shall become effective upon passage by the Division Chief Meeting. The same shall apply to future amendments.
參考組 Last updated 2024-03-18 16:51:18
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