



   二樓的改造空間定名為「閱讀窩」,期盼同學在此空間學習與討論,像是窩在心中舒適的角落一般怡然暢快,圖書館於105年12月22日上午10點整舉辦閱讀窩正式開幕活動,主題訂為「窩興、窩新、窩心」代表著中興大學圖書館的新空間讓讀者備感窩心。 活動當天除開幕剪綵儀式之外,並邀請書法社與花藝社展現社團的才華設計裝飾活動現場,並舉辦閱讀大使瘋走秀活動,鼓勵同學活潑的秀出自己,歡迎同學參加。於閱讀窩空間並舉行「知識的六角形」書展,展示人文素養、科學素養、溝通能力、創新能力、國際視野與社會關懷,六大主題書展,培養自我基礎知識如同蜜蜂建造的六角形蜂窩一般,穩固且踏實,並善於合作。雜誌風潮,則精選本館最熱門之雜誌集中展示,了解世界發展趨勢與潮流。


   The renovated zone, Reading Wow (閱讀窩), is dedicated to our faculty, students, and staff for multi functions. NCHU Library strives to be not only a place to cram but also a hive of activities: to stimulate creativity, to facilitate discussions and to acquire knowledge. With the renovation, we wish that our users may avidly read into their infinity.To improve the service quality to the readers and to meet their diverse needs, the library renovates the east side of the second floor to make the space more cozy, creative, vivid, and interactive. Our beloved readers may indulge their personal readings, study, researches and group discussions in a relaxed lounge atmosphere.

   The renovated zone, Reading Wow (閱讀窩), is dedicated to our faculty, students, and staff for multi functions. NCHU Library strives to be not only a place to cram but also a hive of activities: to stimulate creativity, to facilitate discussions and to acquire knowledge. With the renovation, we wish that our users may avidly read into their infinity.

數位資源組最後修改於 2024-05-27 15:33:25

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