
[Trial]Web of Science Core Collection:AHCI / ESCI / BKCI (~6/5)


Author Reference Services | Date 2024-05-09

Database trial: Web of Science

Trial URL: http://www.webofscience.com

Trial access: until 2024.6.5

Accessing Databases:
1. NCHU Library hompage →Collections →Search →Database Search
2. Enter the database title to search,ex. WOS.
3. Click the title of the search result to enter the detailed description page.
4. Click on the link below "Full text availability" in the View Online section.
5. The campus IP range can be used for direct access. For off-campus areas, please enter your NCHU single sign-on account and password, or use the SSLVPN.

Web of Science is a multidisciplinary citation database. It incorporates citation indexes which include details of scholarly journal articles from all academic subject areas, details of conference proceedings from science and technology conferences and details of book chapter references from selected science, social science and humanities books.
NCHU Library has subscribed two indexes in WOS Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).

Trial Core Collection:
‧Arts & Humanities Citation Index(AHCI):Search across over 1,800 of the world’s most impactful journals across 28 arts & humanities disciplines.
‧Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI):Search across over 7,800 of the world’s highest-quality journals across 254 disciplines.
‧Book Citation Index(BKCI):Discover over 104,500 editorially selected books with 10,000 new books added each year.

Database Reference Resources :
▶ Web of Science (Online videos ; Quick Reference Guide)

WOS trial
Views : 132
Web of Science Core Collection:AHCI / ESCI / BKCI (~6/5)